Sock Bun


My arms hurt…

Today I did my first Sock Bun and it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be! I first went on to YouTube and found some video tutorials of how to do it and that got me started.  Please learn from my mistakes… I would HIGHLY recommend that no one try this for their first time at 6:30 in the morning when you only have 15 minutes before you need to leave the house!!!  It still turned out OK, but I was a stressed out mess by the time it was done.  I had to do it a total of 5 times before actually getting it to look half way decent and let me tell you, the arms were a burnin’!  A little (ok, half the can) hairspray and 45 bobby pins later it’s a masterpiece!  Mark my words, I will conquer the Sock Bun again and continue to get better at it.  The End!

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